Credit for development of rural tourism

Association of Serbian-Arabian friendship 
Street of Kneginje Zorke no 2 Vračar - Beograd


Dear Sir/Madam;
Association of Serbian-Arabian friendship, street of Kneginje Zorke no 2 from Belgrade informs You that tender invites for allocation of free credits for development of rural tourism in Serbia in 2015/2016 and because of that please in the shortest period and at last until Friday 04.12.2015 deliver information about interested rural households at the territory of your municipality via email: dsap.fond@gmail.com

Credit instruments are given to support investments for construction, extension, and adaptation of objects and purchase of equipment in order to provide institutional food service in domestic industry or rural tourist household (minimal amount of credit is 500.000,00 RSD, and maximal amount of 2.000.000,00 RSD) with grace period of 24 months and deadline of repayment up to 60 months.   

Please deliver data about all interested from your municipality territory with the following data; 

Name and surname, address, telephone contact, email (electronic address is obligatory – email) total amount of credit that is given is 87. 000. 000, 00 RSD and it is earmarked for 40 municipalities of Serbia, with that that the amount will increase depending on the number of interested registered rural households and legal persons. Detailed information about conditions of public announcement conditions are going to be announced on our web page http://dsapfond.comp.rs/konkurs/  on 07.12.2015 when we open the tender   

With kind regards
Bojan Ismailovski

Contact person for information about tender
tel. +381613133526
call every week day from 11h until 15h
Person for contact Hasan Tahirović

Tax id: 109114119
identification number: 28179774
Notification is valid without notarization and signature. Notification number 23-11/15